Privacy Policy

AustralianCar.Reviews Privacy Policy


Scope of Privacy Policy

  • The Privacy Policy governs:

  1. What personal information AustralianCar.Reviews collects
    from you;

  2. How that personal information is collected;

  3. Why that personal information is collected
    and how it is used;

  4. The disclosure of your personal information

  5. Your access and rights with respect to
    your personal information;

  6. Your obligations with respect to the personal
    information of others; and,

  7. Privacy controls with respect to your
    personal information.

  • This Privacy Policy only addresses the
    use and disclosure of information that AustralianCar.Reviews collects from users
    – it does not cover instances where users disclose information to other
    parties. AustralianCar.Reviews does not control the Privacy Policies (if any) of



  • By providing information to AustralianCar.Reviews,
    you accept and agree to this Privacy Policy.

  • By accepting this Privacy Policy, you
    expressly consent to the collection, retention, use and disclosure of
    your personal information as prescribed by this Privacy Policy.

  • your acceptance and agreement shall have
    the same force and effect as if you had signed in writing an acceptance
    of This Agreement.


Changes to This Policy

  • AustralianCar.Reviews reserves the right to change,
    amend, vary or modify this Policy.

  • AustralianCar.Reviewswill provide notice of such changes
    prior to any such changes take

  • It is your responsibility to review this
    Policy upon such revisions.


Persons under the age of 18

  • Persons under the age of 18 years are
    not eligible to become Advanced Members of the Internet Site and should
    not submit personal information to AustralianCar.Reviews or the Internet Site.


1. Information collection


  • When you interact with the Internet Site,
    AustralianCar.Reviews may record the details of that interaction. Recorded interactions

  1. Bids

  2. Offers

  3. Communications

  4. Listings

  5. Invoices

  6. Payment and transaction details

  7. Recorded information pertaining to these
    interactions includes:

  8. The interaction itself;

  9. Time and date;

  10. IP address.


General use

  • AustralianCar.Reviews automatically tracks information
    related to use of the Internet Site.

  • This information may include the arrival
    URL, the destination URL, Internet browser and IP address.

  • This information, however, is not personal
    information as it is aggregated with information from other users and
    cannot be traced to an individual.



  • AustralianCar.Reviews uses data collection devices
    such as “cookies” on the Internet Site. Within the Internet Site, third
    parties may use cookies on certain pages; AustralianCar.Reviews is not responsible
    for the use of these third party cookies.

    • About: “Cookies” are small files stored
      on your hard drive, not on AustralianCar.Reviews’ servers. Most cookies are automatically
      deleted at the end of a session. You may configure your Internet
      browser to decline cookies, although this may impair your ability
      to use the Internet Site


2. Purpose and use of information

Interactions with the Internet Site

  • Information concerning interactions with
    the Internet Site (including bids, offers, communications, listings,
    invoices, and payment and transaction details) are collected in order
    for the Internet Site to provide services, functions and facilitate
    transactions between Buyers and Sellers.

Dispute resolution

  • Communications may be used to resolve


  • Communications may be used to troubleshoot


  • Personal information may be used to ensure
    compliance with AustralianCar.Reviews’ Terms and Conditions, Agreements, Rules and

Site usage

  • Site usage data is collected so that AustralianCar.Reviews
    may assess interactions with the Internet Site to improve its services
    and functionality.


  • Cookies enable certain features of the
    Internet Site to function, identify login sessions and to customize
    or personalize the Internet Site.

  • Third party vendors, including Google, use
    cookies to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to
    AustralianCar.Reviews. Google’s use of the DoubleClick cookie
    enables it and its partners to serve ads to you based on your visit
    to AustralianCar.Reviews and/or other sites on the Internet. You may opt out of the use of the
    DoubleClick cookie for interest-based advertising by visiting


3. AustralianCar.Reviews’ Disclosure

Internal use and disclosure

  • Information may be disclosed by the operator
    of the Internet Site to its alliance partners, related entities, affiliates
    and suppliers, including but not limited to the directors, officers,
    employees and agents of those entities where necessary for the operation
    and provision of services via the Internet Site.


Protection of rights and interests

  • AustralianCar.Reviews may disclose your personal information
    for the purpose of upholding, protecting and enforcing rights and interests
    under Law.


No third-party commercial disclosures

  • AustralianCar.Reviews does not
    directly sell, license, or rent
    any personal information to any third party.


Aggregated data

AustralianCar.Reviews may disclose aggregated information
which cannot be used to identify you personally.


Security measures

Despite the use of robust security devices,
measures and practices to protect your personal information, AustralianCar.Reviews does
not and cannot guarantee that personal information will never be disclosed
or obtained in ways other than as described in this Policy.


Service Providers

  • The Internet Site contains links and exchanges
    information with third party service providers. If you disclose personal
    information to these external service providers, and/or grant them permission
    to collect personal information about you, then their use of your personal
    information is governed by their privacy policy.

  • In some instances, information you have
    supplied to AustralianCar.Reviews may be used to pre-populate the information fields
    of a third party service provider. This information will not be submitted
    to the third party service provider until you elect to do so. As such,
    you will be able to view what data would be submitted and decide whether
    to proceed with the disclosure.

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